Whether you are looking to empower your leaders, inspire positive change in your team or build internal capability and morale, our game-changing Masterclasses will inspire, engage and equip your people for peak performance.

...getting game-changing results in tough times
High achievers have extra-ordinary stamina, commitment, and a passion for what they do – and it is this combination that takes them places. GRIT is about mental ‘toughness’, consistency and perseverance.
How GRITTY are you, your team and your business?
In this powerful Masterclass:
Our Smell of the Locker Room live poll will reveal your true GRIT
Our team of sporting and business legends take GRIT from the sports field into the boardroom and unpack and explore the elements of:
Growth mindset, Resilience, Innovation and Tenacity,
and share strategies to spark and grow GRIT in your teams and business.
Di.ver.si.ty & Inclusion

...your high-performance game plan
Diversity & inclusion (D&I) are the game-changing ingredients in maximising a team’s potential and capability.
If a team can leverage the different dimensions of diversity of its individual team members AND create a culture where each team member feels valued and included - you will have a winning game-plan.
We tackle seven D&I gamechangers:
•The role of leaders • Unconscious Bias •Forgetting ‘fit’ • The lens of Possibility
• Uncomfortable Conversations • Consider your brand • A sense of belonging
You will walk away with:
Enhanced understanding of all the different facets of diversity and inclusion
Thought-provoking lessons on diversity and inclusion from our sporting legends
Insights on the role leaders play in fostering D&I
The opportunity to surface your organisation/team’s D&I challenges
Practical tips and tools for sustaining D&I in the workplace.
Your needs will inform your game-plan. Get in touch with our boardroom legends to craft the ideal experience for your team.
In person or online. Our virtual Masterclasses are hosted on Remo, a live virtual event platform, we’ll bring you face to face with our legends. Click here to experience what puts Remo head and shoulders above other event platforms.
Duration: Half or full-day
Check out our diverse team of sporting legends.